KBI and BSN hosted the fifth series of “KBI and BSN Knowledge Sharing on Biotechnology” on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 09.00 – 11.00.
This webinar focused on “Agricultural Biotechnology: Genetic Engineering and Its Applications”, which divided into 3 sessions
1st Session: “Regulation on Genetic Engineering Products (GEP) in the Agriculture Sectors”
Speaker: Ir. Mastur, M.Si, Ph. D. from Balai Besar Penelitian Bioteknologi dan Sumberdaya Genetik Pertanian (BB Biogen) Bogor
2nd Session: “Plant Genetic Improvement and Its Potential for the Agricultural Industry in Indonesia”
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Suharsono, DEA from Pusat Penelitian Sumberdaya Hayati & Bioteknologi, IPB
3rd Session: “Genome Editing Techniques and Applications in Plants”
Speaker : Prof. Dr. Inez H Slamet-Loedin Head of Character Cluster and Genome Engineering, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippine
Prof. Dr. Bambang Prasetya from Komisi Keamanan Hayati (KKH), KLH, Indonesia acted as moderator for this event.
You can download the materials presented in this webinar from this link
The recording of this webinar also available in ITS Science Indonesia Youtube channel on this link
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