On Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 13.00 WIB, the Indonesian Biotechnology Consortium (KBI) in collaboration with BIOSM held a webinar discussing “NGS Application for Agricultural and Medical Genomics”.
This webinar discusses Next-generation Sequencing (NGS), a massive and parallel sequencing technology that offers speed and cost that is more economical than Sanger Sequencing, as well as its application in the Agriculture, Biochemical, and Health Industries.
The webinar was opened with remarks by Mr. Mastur, PhD as the President of KBI, then followed by the presentation from the speakers, including Mr. Rifani as director of BIOSM, Mr. Yang Kap-Seok, PhD (CEO Macrogen), Ms. Yiran Zou, BSc, MSc (Vazyme Biotech Co. Ltd), Dr. Puji Lestari (Balitbangtan, Ministry of Agriculture RI), and Dr. Zafarina Malik (Eijkman Institute).
Participants were also given the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers regarding the material presented during the webinar which lasted for approximately 4 hours and was broadcast live through the KBI Youtube channel.
You can download webinar material and also e-certificate for participants who have previously registered via this link.
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