KBI dan BSN hosted the 7th series of “KBI and BSN Knowlege Sharing on Biotechnology” live webinar on Wednesday, Aug 26th, 2020 09.00 AM – 11.30 AM. The topic for this webinar is  “Biotechnology: Regulation and Patents“.

This webinar presented 2 guest speakers with below topics:

Kebijakan Riset dan Industri Farmasi di Indonesia” – presented by Bapak Ir. Muhammad Khayam, M.Si,  Direktur Jenderal Industri Kimia, Farmasi dan Tekstil, Kementrian Perindustrian

Kebijakan Inovasi Mendorong Pemanfaatan Bioteknologi di Industri” – presented by Ibu Trina Fizzanty, Ph.D, Peneliti Senior, Pusat Riset Ekonomi-LIPI

You can download the presentation from this link

Recorded version of this webinar can be seen on  ITS Indonesia’s YouTube channel on this link 

Indonesian Biotechnology Consortium (KBI)