On Friday, July 15th, 2022, KBI and Crop Life Indonesia held a webinar discussing regulations and the potential adoption of genetically engineered products in the food sector. ” THE POTENTIAL ADOPTION AND REGULATION OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS TO SUPPORT FOOD SECURITY” was chosen as the main title of this webinar and featured several experts from various institutions and companies.

As the keynote speaker in this webinar, Prof.Dr. Ir. Bambang Prasetya, M.Sc, – Chairman of the Committee for Biosafety (KKH-PRG) Research Center for Testing and Standards Technology – BRIN, delivered a presentation titled “DEVELOPMENT OF PRG AND ITS REGULATIONS TO SUPPORT FOOD SECURITY.”

In his presentation, Prof. Bambang Prasetya explained the history, progress, methods, benefits, and challenges faced by the production of genetically engineered crops, specifically those that can support Indonesia’s food security. He also discussed the regulations and technical supervision from the government and related agencies.

The next agenda was a talk show delivered by Mr. Mastur, Ph.D. presenting “REGULATION OF AGRICULTURAL GENETIC ENGINEERING PRODUCTS (GMP) IN INDONESIA.” As the head of the Center for Research and Development of Biotechnology and Agricultural Genetic Resources. he explained a series of processes and procedures required to develop genetically engineered crops until they were declared suitable for widespread cultivation.

The second part of the talk show presented by Ms. Nanik Tri Ismadi, SP – manager of the Sukosari Research Center PG Jatiroto PTPN XI. In her presentation “COMMERCIALIZATION OF N XI 4T SUGAR CANE VARIETY”, Ms. Nanik explained the history, socialization, and commercialization of the NXI4T sugarcane variety developed through genetic transformation methods. This variety has the advantage of being more resistant to drought and has higher productivity than non-GMO varieties.

In the last session, Ms. Fadlilla Dewi Rakhmawaty, S.Si., M.Sc. – the Head of the Biotechnology Compartment of Croplife Indonesia, delivered a presentation titled “POTENTIAL ADOPTION OF GMP CORN FOR FARMERS’ WELFARE.” She explained several advantages of GM maize compared to non-GM maize, particularly its resistance to herbicide glyphosate.

Hosted by Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwantara, this webinar was attended by more than 160 participants through ZOOM and lasted almost 3, 5 hours. Through the discussion session, the participants also had the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers regarding the material presented. There was also a quiz with prizes held at the end of the event.

You can visit KBI  Youtube KBI to view the recorded webinar, while the presented material can be downloaded from this link

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